
Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa provides telehealth, online care for Indiana and Florida residents. Affordable, convenient care and same day appointments.

Neuromoduator Injections at bionwoRx


Online appointments

Speak with a board-certified nurse practitioner online without leaving your house. Manage your health conveniently with top-quality care. If you’re interested in becoming a patient, contact us today.

*Indiana and Florida residents only.

Online telehealth services

From medical weight loss to hormome replacement therapy to peptide therapy, our board-certified nurse practitioner has you covered. Take charge of your health today and book an online appointment (for existing patients only). High-quality healthcare from your desktop or smartphone.

Online benefits

Online telehealth visits are more convenient, comfortable, and accessible than traditional in-person visits. Learn just some of the ways an online telehealth visit can make your life easier, offering many benefits and providing top quality healthcare that works around you.


With an online visit, you can access medical care anywhere in Indiana with a stable Internet connection. Being able to talk to our provider online on your computer or by phone means that you have more choices for care and treatment, especially if you are in a remote area or not currently near a medical facility or urgent care center.


One of the advantages of virtual visits is that online appointments offer greater convenience and scheduling flexibility. A telehealth appointment means no more waiting rooms or time-consuming commutes. We often have same-day online medical consultations available, allowing you to find a time that works for your busy schedule.


Online telehealth visits are much more affordable than the average in-person doctor’s visit. We do not accept insurance plans, so our clients’ self-pay online consultations range in price from $99 to $199.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a telehealth visit cost?2023-10-06T12:02:52-04:00

The cost of a telehealth visit depends on the service provided.

How do I see the nurse practitioner online?2023-04-23T20:16:30-04:00

You can see the nurse practitioner online by phone or computer. Our licensed and board certified nurse practitioner can treat clients who are Indiana residents.

Can the online nurse practitioner write a prescription?2023-04-23T18:28:02-04:00

Yes, the nurse practitioner can write a prescription. However, you need to have a consultation with the nurse practitioner before you can receive prescription medication. This can be done through an online telehealth appointment. If the nurse practitioner decides that you may benefit from a prescription, the prescription will be mailed to you from one of our preferred pharmacies.

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