Testosterone Therapy

Conquer Low Testosterone with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). By getting your body back into balance with TRT, you can return to a state where you feel good again — like yourself.

Testosterone Therapy2024-05-02T14:22:24-04:00

TRT for men with low testosterone (Low-T).

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

At BionwoRx – Aesthetics and Med Spa, we offer a range of therapies to keep you at full capacity so that you’re ready to face the world. We focus on using the most advanced treatments to help our patients reach their personal goals. This includes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to help men resolve issues with Low-T levels. TRT provides relief from many symptoms of low testosterone by addressing them directly at the source. Our testosterone replacement treatment plans are individually tailored to meets your body’s specific needs.

How common is Low Testosterone (Low-T)?

It’s hard to pin down an exact number for exactly how common testosterone deficiency is among men. The condition becomes drastically more common as men age, and it’s estimated that as many as 40% of older men have low testosterone (Low-T). Many men, especially younger men, are nervous to seek treatment for low testosterone. While symptoms differ from person to person, men with low testosterone also experience a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and heart disease. Waiting to seek help can lead to the late detection and worsening of these progressive conditions.

Learn more

Once-weekly injections

Intramuscular injections (dosage is typically once a week). We strive to make your therapy work with your daily routine.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a vital hormone for men that impacts physical characteristics, reproductive system, muscle mass, and bone density.

Testosterone Therapy Benefits

TRT therapy helps improve energy levels, mood, and lean muscle mass, among other things.

Low-T in men

Signs and Symptoms

  • Fatigue: Low testosterone can result in a lack of energy.
  • Weight gain: When men have low testosterone, it can result in fat gain.
  • Loss of mental clarity: Low testosterone can play a role in the struggle to focus.
  • Loss of libido: Low testosterone can cause a decrease in interest and libido.
  • Depression, irritability, or anxiety: Low testosterone can result in depression, anxiety, and mood changes.
  • Loss of muscle mass: Low testosterone can cause a loss in muscle mass.
  • Increased hair loss: Low testosterone can play a role in hair loss.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

As men age, it’s natural to lose strength, energy, and libido. In the past, these symptoms were an unavoidable part of getting older — however, today science has found a way to slow down the aging process and restore youthful functionality, giving men of every age an opportunity to live their best life. The secret is rebalancing the body’s hormones.  By treating the symptoms of low testosterone, patients feel energized, stronger, and less irritable; enjoy more productive sleep and a renewed sense of self; find it easier to concentrate and remember, and experience an increase in libido. Because our medical provider takes a holistic approach to healthcare, we can proactively address other conditions you’re currently experiencing or could experience later on, including micronutrient deficiency and issues with sleep. These conditions may also affect testosterone levels.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Treatment methods

Your testosterone replacement therapy in Indianapolis will be customized not only based on the results of your testing, but also to suit your lifestyle and needs. We strive to make your therapy work with your daily routine and we are here to help make it even easier and more convenient every step of the way. Below is the administration method available in our TRT program:

  • Intramuscular injections

Schedule a consultation to learn about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Schedule a consultation to learn about erectile dysfunction treatments

At Bion, we change lives. We help our patients not only reach their goals, but also provide them with a much healthier and happier lifestyle. If you’re in search of testosterone therapy in Indianapolis, get in touch with the professionals at Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa. We provide top-of-the-line treatments to get you feeling and performing your best. Allow us to be the go-to for taking care of all your health and wellness needs — and watch as you become who you want to be. Schedule a same day or next day appointment by calling 317-797-9139.

Quality care through telemedicine

BionwoRx – Aesthetics and Med Spa offers telemedicine to Indiana and Florida residents. As technology advances, we have more ways than ever to take control of our health. That’s where we come in, offering specialized services to take healthcare to new levels.

Frequently asked questions

What administration methods are available for this therapy?2023-06-23T10:04:58-04:00
  • Intramuscular injections (dosage is typically once a week)
Can testosterone therapy make me feel more energetic?2023-04-23T15:58:42-04:00

Testosterone plays a role in sustaining energy levels. If you have low testosterone levels, boosting your testosterone can help bring your energy levels back to normal and make you feel more energetic.

How do I know which testosterone therapy is right for me?2023-04-23T16:04:38-04:00

If you want to know more about this treatment option, feel free to call Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa now for your confidential consultation.

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