How Long Does Kybella Last?

Permanently reduce and remove unwanted fat

After getting Kybella injections, you can expect visible results that last a lifetime. This treatment can permanently reduce and remove unwanted fat that causes your double chin. Because your body stops growing new fat cells when you reach adulthood, you can expect the results of your treatment to be permanent. Once we have removed your unwanted chin fat through Kybella, you won’t need to worry about your fat cells growing back.

Our fat-dissolving treatment is formulated with deoxycholic acid, a substance that breaks down fat in the injected areas. Once your fat cells are broken down, they will eventually be flushed by your body’s lymphatic system. The fat cells are gone for good because your body will no longer produce new fat cells.

At Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa, Annamarie Salyer FNP-C works with clients throughout Indianapolis, IN to achieve younger-looking skin through FDA-approved cosmetic injections. Annamarie is a medical aesthetics specialist who is highly qualified to recommend and administer Kybella to help clients achieve their personal cosmetic goals.

Kybella results

The results of your fat-dissolving injections are expected to appear gradually. You will not see visible changes overnight, and it can take anywhere from one to seven months before you can see your desired results from the treatment.

We will personalize your treatment plan and evaluate your concerns so that we can give you a more accurate timeline. Your age, metabolism, and aesthetic concerns are factors to consider.

How many Kybella treatments are needed?

Most people need more than one treatment to achieve their desired results. If you have mild to moderate submental fullness, we may recommend you undergo three or four sessions. Those with severe excess fat, however, may need as many as six treatment sessions. We typically schedule treatments four to six weeks apart to allow your body to respond to the treatment and flush your broken down fat cells.

Once you have completed your treatment plan and achieved your desired results, there’s no need for frequent touch-ups or maintenance treatments. Your results are meant to be permanent and long-lasting. With a healthy lifestyle, you won’t need to worry about your double chin forming once again in the future.

Long term results

Some people who get this treatment may find that their results don’t last permanently. The reason for this is that we cannot remove every single one of your fat cells in the target area. We can only remove some of them to give your neck and jaw a more sculpted, slimmer appearance. Therefore, you must maintain your weight after the treatment to prevent your remaining fat cells from expanding. Significant weight gain in the future can result in submental fulness.

To maintain the results you have achieved from our treatment, you must be able to commit to a healthy lifestyle and manage your weight. By preventing significant weight fluctuations, your slimmer facial profile can stay the same for a long time. Maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet can prevent additional fat from becoming stored in your remaining fat cells. You can also lead an active lifestyle and engage in physical activities to boost your metabolism.

What is the Kybella treatment process?

Kybella is an FDA-approved treatment for minimizing submental fullness and enhancing your facial contours. We perform this treatment by administering injections into your chin area. The treatment is formulated with fat-dissolving compounds that directly target your chin fat. Once your unwanted fat cells have been destroyed by the treatment, your body will naturally get rid of your fat cells and flush them out of your system.

During your treatment session, you can expect to receive several injections beneath your chin. We will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process. Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment that can take as little as 30 to 45 minutes to complete. There’s no need to worry about extended downtime.

What is the recovery time?

After your treatment, you can resume your normal daily activities. There’s no need to worry about missing work or spending days in social isolation. The treatment does not damage your skin.

How can I prepare for Kybella treatment?

To get started, you must first consult with our team. We must observe your target area first and make sure that your submental fullness is caused by excess fat. If loose skin is the main cause of your cosmetic concerns, we may recommend a different treatment option for you. Kybella is only good for dissolving chin fat, but it will not lift and tighten your tissues.

Furthermore, we will make sure that you are in good health. You must not be pregnant or breastfeeding at the time of the treatment. If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications and supplements, we might ask you to avoid any medication that can cause blood clots or excess bleeding.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella treatment?

If you are in good overall health and wish to get rid of chin fat without surgery, Kybella can be a good treatment option for you. We recommend this treatment to those who are at a healthy weight and have a moderate amount of excess fat in their chin area. If you have tried to commit to a healthy lifestyle but still cannot get rid of your chin fat, our non-surgical treatment can help.

Additionally, you must have a good skin condition to achieve amazing results from your fat-dissolving injections. Our treatment is ideal for those who do not have issues with loose or sagging skin on the neck. If your double chin is aggravated by loose skin on the neck, we can add skin tightening options to your treatment plan. During your consultation, we will examine your condition and determine what causes your submental fullness.

What causes a double chin?

If you have extra fat beneath your jawline, it might appear as if you have an “extra chin” that gives your face a fuller, unhealthy appearance. However, many people have double chins due to genetic factors, excess weight, and medications. If you are bothered by the excess fat beneath your chin, you may get a non-surgical treatment that breaks down your fat cells directly.

Where to go to learn more about Kybella

If you reside in or near Indianapolis, IN and wish to learn more about Kybella, contact Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa and schedule a consultation today. Medical aesthetics specialist Annamarie Salyer FNP-C will walk you through the initial steps and help create a customized plan that fits your cosmetic goals.

Frequently asked questions

What is Kybella?2023-04-23T15:53:28-04:00

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys the fat cells, or the submental fullness, below your chin.

How does Kybella work?2023-04-23T15:53:27-04:00

When injected into subcutaneous fat, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Who is a good candidate for Kybella?2023-07-24T16:27:50-04:00

Kybella® is the right choice for clients who are looking to improve their appearance.  The ideal candidate:

  • Has realistic expectations for the outcome.
  • Is at least 18 years old.
  • Has a moderate double chin.
  • Has good skin quality with minimal laxity.
  • Is not overweight.
  • Understands that Kybella is not a weight loss procedure.
How is Kybella administered?2023-04-23T15:53:26-04:00

The Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa practitioner administers Kybella using a fine, small gauge needle.

How many Kybella treatments will I need?2023-07-24T12:59:53-04:00

The number of Kybella treatments needed varies between clients. Many clients treated with Kybella experience visible chin contouring in 2 to 4 treatments. Some clients require up to 6 treatments in order to achieve desired results.

What are the side effects of Kybella?2023-07-24T13:06:34-04:00
Kybella side effects can include injection site problems such as bruising, hair loss, and open sores (ulcers). Also, it can cause damage and tissue cell-death (necrosis) around the injection site. Further, Kybella can cause trouble swallowing and nerve injury in the jaw that can temporarily cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness.

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BionwoRx  offers comprehensive, individualized, and a holistic approach to total wellness and age management. By focusing on customized medicine, BionwoRx helps patients earlier in the aging process in order to help prevent, rather than treat age-related issues. Founded and run by Annamarie Salyer FNP-C, BionwoRx is dedicated to helping patients identify the root causes of any issues in order to restore the body to its peak performance, alleviate symptoms and ultimately, reverse the effects of aging and prevent age-related diseases. BionwoRx creates personalized treatment plans with proven, effective and safe anti-aging solutions that include highly advanced testing, bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrient therapy, sexual health programs, medical aesthetics, weight loss and much more.

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At Bion Aesthetics and Med Spa, we focus on finding a comprehensive, individualized, and scientific approach to aesthetic and medical rejuvenation.

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