The Man Shot™ for male sexual dysfunction.

What is the Man Shot™?

The Man Shot™ is an injectable treatment that addresses a variety male erectile concerns such as erectile dysfunction, size and shape issues, and erection-related pain. It also works for healthy men who desire a boost.

How the Man Shot™ works

The procedure uses natural biologics taken from the patient to rejuvenate penile tissue and enhance sexual performance. It helps patients who may have poor circulation or trouble maintaining an erection.

The Man Shot™

Treatment details

The procedure takes approximately one hour. To begin, the provider administers local anesthesia to the treatment area. Next, natural biologics are extracted from the patient and growth factors are separated-out. Finally, the provider injects the growth factors into the treatment area.

The Man Shot™


Following treatment, you may return to your regular daily activities. Some patients may experience mild swelling and/or bruising, but this is normal and will subside in a day or two. Most patients see and feel results about 24 hours after treatment, with results lasting up to six months — at which point, you may return for a maintenance treatment.

For optimal results, we recommend a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and regular exercise to enhance the outcome. Some patients find that erectile dysfunction medication helps elevate the results as well.

The Man Shot™


Patients have reported the following benefits:

  • improves erectile dysfunction
  • enhances erection quality and sensation
  • helps with venous leak
  • decreases premature ejaculation
  • enhances male orgasm
  • helps with Peyronie’s disease
  • helps with lichen sclerosus
  • improves overall sexual function and performance

Visit us

At bionwoRx Aesthetics and Med Spa in Carmel, IN, we help clients succeed in achieving their aesthetic and health goals. For this reason, we offer a range of services to help keep you looking and feeling your best.